Hazards Window - Tabs


By selecting the location and clicking Add New, the Location field is automatically populated with the same location.

There are three mandatory fields: Description, Identified Date/Time, and Reported By.

Field Explanation
ID This Hazard ID number is generated automatically. It will remain as zero while you are adding a new hazard, with the number displayed when you reopen this hazard.
Location This is autofilled with the location selected at the time you clicked Add New. If this location is not correct, cancel the new hazard to return to the Hazards screen, then select the correct location before creating a new hazard.
Description: Provide a clear summary of the hazard that has been identified. This will assist with reporting on and understanding the context of hazards, as well as applying them to incidents whenever necessary.
Identified Date / Time: Type in the date and time the hazard was identified.
Reported By: This is the person who identified the hazard and brought it to the attention of a responsible person (e.g. Management or a Health & Safety Committee member).
Reported To: This is the name of the responsible person.
Owner: The person who is tasked with ensuring that this hazard is identified (e.g. with warning signs), investigated and closed.
Linked Plant/Equipment If the hazard can be linked back to a Plant/Equipment item, select that item via the drop-down arrow.
Likelihood: How likely is it that this hazard will have an effect and cause impact or injury?
Consequence: If the hazard does cause impact or injury, how serious is the outcome likely to be?
[Sources of Risk]:
Why has this hazard occurred? For example:
Environmental, which may be noise or pollution issues
Human, which could include sabotage or human error
Product liability, which might be due to inadequate testing, or a design error
[Areas of Impact]:
What would this hazard impact? Select from the drop-down list of options. For example:
People – if it is likely to principally affect people, such as causing injury
Environment – such as a chemical spill into a water supply
Community - such as a chemical leak causing a local evacuation
Risk Identification:

What type of hazard is this? For example:



Natural Hazards

Hazard Register: Tick this box if these details have been recorded on the company’s Hazard Register.
Closed Date: Once preventative actions have been placed and you are comfortable that this hazard has been addressed, enter the date the hazard was closed.
Notes: Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the hazard.

Action Items

In this tab you can add Action Items, which are creating new tasks, recording phone messages or sending emails. See Using Action Items for more information.


In this tab it will list any Incidents that have already occurred due to this Hazard, and which have been detailed within the Incidents node. This will automatically complete all the columns within the Incidents tab, so that you can see the information at a glance. An Incident can be linked with a Hazard via the Incidents window.


In this tab you should list any actions which are to be, or were, taken to address the hazard. Description is a mandatory field. Location will be auto-filled, as before.

Category: Specify the category of action, such as Investigation or Corrective Action. This field will display any inclusions on OHSFramework | Hazards | Action Categories, and any new entries you create will be written back to this Validation Table.
Type: Specify the action type, such as Internal Audit, or Manual Handling Training. This field will display any inclusions on OHSFramework | Hazards |Action Types, and any new entries you create will be written back to this Validation Table.
Preventative Action From the drop-down list, select the preventative action that will occur, or is proposed, for this Hazard. These options are from AS1885.
Description: Type in a brief description of the action being implemented.
Created Date/Time: Type in the date and time that this action was created.
Due Date/Time: Type in the date and time by which this action should be completed.
Actual Date / Time: Type in the date and time that the action took place.
Completed: Type in the date and time when the action was completed.
Actioned By: This is the person who has delegated this task. It may be an internal employee or an external person, such as a tradesperson. This is a mandatory field.
Action For: This is the person who is the co-ordinator of the task, ensuring that the Actioned By person completes the task. On the Hazards | Details tab, this is the Owner. This is a mandatory field.
Cost $: Indicate any costs associated with this action, e.g. cost of the training course, or costs of new signage.
Notes: Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference.

Documents & Images

In this tab you can add documents and images which are relevant to the current hazard. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see Document Window.

User Defined Fields

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Hazards. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.


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